Saturday, November 22, 2008

Oops I slipped...

Originall posted in on myspace on 10/19/08

Well I weighed in @ 4/10ths of a lb lighter than last week. Last Saturday night I goofed a bit. Went to a friends house which ALWAYS ends up in drinking something... So I drank a bit, but more importantly... I ATE. not like everything in sight, but stuff I shouldn't have and quite a bit of it.

OK F' ups aside, I thought I was good the rest of the week, but I also noticed I'm more in tune with my body. Something felt off all week. I felt full, but bloated full, not satisfied full. Something was wrong, and I knew by Wednesday I was not losing anything. Great now I know where my body's at. What next, Inner Peace?? Unlikely, but I'm more aware of me...

However my 40 s and climbing equates to me going from a size 60. Yup 60, stretchy dress pants with elastic in the waist to a 58 solid pair of Dockers. Woohoo you say but I've watched my size go up since 1994, so down is good.

I promise a loss for next week eating 2 12 oz steaks this week, and about a pound of shrimp over the week probably didn't help but my goal is down, and I'll do it.
More next week unless new things emerge...


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