Saturday, November 22, 2008

HFCS and Deadly food

Originally posted 11/02/08

Here are the bad things...

High Fructose Corn Syrup bad here's why. When your body takes in sugar, your pancreas makes insulin, that tells your body where to send the sugars you need and stores the rest as fat. When your body takes in HFCS, it does not trigger the creation of insulin, yet you are taking in a sugar like substance. Your body stores it ALL directly to fat not knowing what to do with it. Also sugar and insulin trip a hunger gland in the brain to let you now you've had enough... HFCS does not and it makes you crave more. The sweetener is still triggering other sugar responses in the body so yes Diabetes is a huge risk because your body has no idea what HFCS is. FUN

Dont be fooled by the new Corn Syrup commercials, they are feeling pressure because like trans fat in many cities, communities are trying to get it banned. They claim its the same as sugar, but it is not. Also since its introduction in the 70s child, as well as adult obesity has climbed every year since it arrived and started getting put in DAMN NEAR EVERYTHING. I Manage a 7-11 and had some time to read labels the other day. Even our Whole Wheat bread it was like the third ingredient. Whole Wheat Bread is supposed to be good for you.

Bad Foods... Warning the following foods are favorites and delicious I did not make these things up just learned and am sharing.

Chicken Nugets compressed fat, sodium HFCS and some chicken fried in bad Hydrogenated oil (trans fatty). Then you dip it in HFCS sauce. MMMMMM yummy

Sugary Cereals... cups of sugar and empty calories...

Lunchmeat and hotdogs. Not just the whole "took all the shit from the floor and stuffed in a skin" bad... Worse! Nitrates and Nitrites keep ham pink, leave meat on the counter, it turns grey, leave deli ham on the counter and it stays pink and dries up. Nitrates and nitrites are carcinogens you've heard it before, more in relation to smokin or chemicals... Yes they are cancer causing agents... Yum

A study in Los Angeles found that kids who ate 12 hot dogs a month had nine times the risk of developing leukemia. And more health risks are being discovered all the time. Leaf through any research about kids' nutrition, and you're bound to read about the bane of the cafeteria—Oscar Mayer's Lunchables. These and similar prepackaged lunches are loaded with processed meats and crackers made with hydrogenated oils. These innocent-looking meals can boast fat counts of up to 38 grams. That's as much fat as a Burger King Whopper and over half the recommended daily allowance of fat for an adult.

Juice and Juice drinks lots of sugar, HFCS and carbs and not much actual juice.

French Fries. A few things, Have you ever lost a McD's french fry only to find it much later, still golden yellow and looking like it did when you lost it?? Does that sound right to you? Cut a potato in half and see how long before it starts to grow stuff. But wait here comes more cancer. When you super heat starch (like what happens when you make french fries) it makes Acrylamide, a toxic, cancer causing substance. Some tests showed 300 to 600 times the amount of Acrylamide allowed in a glass of water by the EPA in restaurant french fries.

Chips, Cheetos and Doritos full of fat, sodium and also creates Acrylamide...

Fruit roll ups or snacks. All HFCS and usually, very little fruit.

Doughnuts Deep fried carb rings covered in sugar

Pizza, can be good, but watch for too much cheese, and sausagesand peperoni for nitrates and nitrites

Just an FYI 1 tsp of sugar = 4 grams on a label A 20 oz. Coca Cola has 17 teaspoons of sugar in it. and Oh yeah, Diet soda??? the chems do turn to formaldehyde in your body, guess what? Your body doesn't purge Formaldehyde...

Again, not preaching, just showing one thing I learned this week.

See ya next week,


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