Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Where the Hell have I been?

Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I've gathere you all here today... LOL JK. Time for an update... Where were we? Who cares, where are we and where are we going? MANY MANY things have occured and I haven't been totally authentic in my life so that's about to change.

I am currently weighing in at 355. For those keeping track, that's 108 pounds out the door. I seem to be floundering there. Not sure if it's because Im not a participant in a Weight loss challenge or if something else is going on. I have just taken the Landmark Forum and I have a new clarity in my life and believe my weight will start droping again this week.

I am also a Wellness / Weight Loss Coach in a challenge. Turns out one of my participants has lost 12 pounds. so I'm very happy. I'm also teaching this weeks lesson on Metabolism. I'm trying to make it fun and interesting as opposed to boring and matter of fact.

I'll let you all know where I'm at for Weight loss and how my participants are doing Sat evening.

See ya